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Retreating Revisionists

Communists’ daily atrocities and failures, despite the Soviets’ assassinations of truth-tellers, their best efforts to propagandise and to sweep potential discomfitures under the carpet. Vasily Grossman’s Life and Fate or…

Slavophilism: The Russian Model for Anglo Conservatives

…in every circumstance and every place; but Romanticism, in reaction, favoured particularism, rootedness, and the cultural significance of place and people. In fact, so many of the nationalist movements of…

Considerations on Revolution

…put them in power in the first place. This attempt at maintaining momentum while in power most of the time means the removal of enemies of the revolution at all…

Tories for Revolution

…appointed co-chairman of the club’s media committee alongside Millson in 1991.  Meanwhile, Millson was an officer at the Western Goals Institute (WGI), a right-wing anti-communist group that formed out of…

Slavophilism: The Russian Model for Anglo Conservatives

…governed Man in every circumstance and every place; but Romanticism, in reaction, favoured particularism, rootedness, and the cultural significance of place and people. In fact, so many of the nationalist…

Erdogan: Modern Sultan?

…of Islam are more important than the laws of Germany. This is striking considering the role Islamist rhetoric plays in Erdogan’s appeal. Further compounding this, the same 2020 DATA4U survey…

Her Penis is Boring

…as if it’s anything other than boring? The ‘right’ is the most promising place anything new or interesting is likely to come from. It’s on the outside. It’s not establishment…

Little England: Bekonscot, Le Corbusier and the Housing Crisis

…Were things really better then? Life today is undoubtedly easier, but in many respects, Britain is a less pleasant place in which to live, with the cultural and economic revolutions…

Consorts (Part 2)

…under their father’s custody. Concerned about her position, Eleanor decided to marry Henry, Duke of Normandy. This pleased Henry, as he was ready to be King of England and needed…

What is the Point of the Turner Prize?

…the thirty-nine years since its inauguration, none of the winning submissions have evoked the sublime beauty of Turner’s paintings. There are no facts when it comes to art, only opinions….

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