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The Nationalist Case for Caution

…could completely wash our hands of it, but we are not in that position. Imported ethnic conflicts are coming to fruition and we need to navigate them as best we…

Atatürk: A Legacy Under Threat

…hostilities with the Allied Powers via the Armistice of Mudros (1918), which amongst other things, completely demobilised the Ottoman army. Following this, British, French, Italian and Greek forces arrived in…

Open Borders Rely on Political Irrationality

…extreme permissiveness with which migrants were let into the country ran radically counter to the will of the Swedish electorate. Voters’ dissatisfaction brought a right-wing government to power in 2022…

The Century of Steel

…lot of nations have now in terms of manpower is all they will have for many years to come, and when it goes, it goes. If you choose to spend…

Rishi Sunak: MP for Anywhere

…‘Somewheres’ and ‘Anywheres’. Somewheres, Goodhart explained, are traditionally-minded and attached to place. By contrast, Anywheres are cosmopolitans and attached primarily to ideals. Somewheres are often provincial and typically live in…

Nigel Farage is Britain’s unofficial ambassador to the United States

…on the roof of a nearby building, missed through a toxic combination of incompetence and lack of coordination between security forces, shot at the former President several times before being…

British Conservatism is Ignorant of History and has Forgotten its Past (Magazine Excerpt)

…historian put it, Britain and American can afford our universalist idealism and our fantasies of a benevolent world united and ameliorated through commerce, given our good geographical fortune of being…

The possible booster/lockdown trade-off

…government has now enacted ‘Plan B’, a series of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) including mandated mask wearing as well as work-from-home and vaccine passport recommendations, all intended to slow the virus’…

Audubon’s Legacy of Birds and Tomfoolery

…from Audubon’s work and I could hear quiet bird noises in the background. It was an incredibly calming experience, as much as one can consider stuffed birds and plates depicting…

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